Saturday, February 9, 2008

Extra Extra! (Another Addiction: The Newsies)

I'm so excited to be posting again, for in my absence I have discovered so many wonderful things to write about. And today it's.... the Newsies! Now the Newsies is a movie, just one movie, that I happened to see on Starz over Christmas break. And I had to have it, so I searched all over to find it. Unfortunately it's not so easy to find movies from 1992 anymore, but I finally found it at an FYE.

The casheirs eyes widened when he saw my purchase as he said, "I love this movie". (He wasn't quite as pleased with my the Avatar season 2 volume I was purchasing) He then went on to exclaim about how Christian Bale was in it. For those of you who, like me, have no idea who Christan Bale is I looked it up for you, he was in 3:10 to Yuma, the Prestige, Batman Begins, and most importantly the voice of Thomas in Disney's Pochontas.

Anyway, before you get anywrong ideas, the Newsies is not a good movie. It just isn't. It was a notorious box office flop and its understandable why. But the Newsies is amazing in a different way. It's amazing in a way where there's a whole bunch of kids singing, dancing and having excellent slingshot percision, and doing it all with New York accents. It's amazing in away that creates cult followings, infects your brain, and adds sparkle and sunshine to the world.

So the Newsies, you'll like it, even though it's not good, you'll like it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

She's Baaaaack!

Alright so there's been like 4 months since my last post. I'm horrible, you caught me. I was busy! I can't help it! (lies)

However, we have now switched semesters at school, so I will be back to my wonderful blogging once again. So, on the off chance that you have somehow found it in your heart to continue to check my little blog for posts- among my irresponsible bloggy-ness- then you are my hero, insane, and having your lucky day, because I am posting yet again! At least for now (Come on. You all don't seriously still trust me, right?) =]

*** And in less lame note, I have a new link on my blogroll, "Jay's World". Um... HUZZAH!